Protests Outside of Disney HQ, Secret Cash from Right-wing evangelicals?
There are protests outside of Disney HQ today.

And Max Blumenthal has compelling research about the secretive right-wing Film Institute.

And Max Blumenthal has compelling research about the secretive right-wing Film Institute.
"The Path to 9/11" is produced and promoted by a well-honed propaganda operation consisting of a network of little-known right-wingers working from within Hollywood to counter its supposedly liberal bias. This is the network within the ABC network. Its godfather is far right activist David Horowitz, who has worked for more than a decade to establish a right-wing presence in Hollywood and to discredit mainstream film and TV production. On this project, he is working with a secretive evangelical religious right group founded by The Path to 9/11's director David Cunningham that proclaims its goal to "transform Hollywood" in line with its messianic vision.Read the post by Blumenthal. It's exceptional.
One person who seems to not be getting any heat in all this is Marc Platt. What the hell is doing producing a project like this?
This is the guy who produced the film Legally Blonde and the Broadway musical Wicked. Why would a guy who produces quality entertainment primarily geared towards single women and gay America be the money guy (executive producer) of Right Wing propaganda? Was he just stupid and didn't know what he was getting into or just pandering to get ahead? Either way the guy should be getting as much heat as ABC. Because, like the network, he should have known better.
I expect Right Wing ideologues to act like Right Wing ideologues-- that is what they do-- they will always try to get away with as much as a network like ABC will let them and they will never change. But the people who are misstepping are the ones who should really be taken to task.
If "more Americans get their news from ABC News than from any other source"-- well then they should be held to a higher standard when they misrepresent the facts. And if a Broadway loving producer of the recent "Once Upon a Mattress" TV movie and an upcoming Dusty Springfield bio pic starring Kristen Chenoweth aids the people who want to erode the freedoms of the consumers of his products then he needs to be called out. Something stinks here and I, for one, want to hear Marc Platt's side of the story.
you're such a hypocrate. You loved Michael Moores movie which was promoted as a documentary, which it was not. He was honored at kerrys acceptance as the dems nominee and even had the honor of sitting next to Carter.
and this movie is a docu-drama
and liberals want to pan it.because it makes clinton look bad.
it's almost funny.
You liberals are all the same.
freedom of speach is great as long as it fits your twisted ideology.
sandy berger stole secret documents out of the national archives.
Albright chased arafat down a hallway. ( she's a disgrace)
richard clark is a failure.
and clinton will be remembered as one of the worst presidents, right behind carter.
but keep it up moonbats. you're great for the republicans. You motivate the base.
dear mac-mouse-sters,
you are so busted.
American's are already badly informed about 9/11 in ways that favor the Bush administration.
For example, 43% of Americans believe Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (see, and 64% of Americans believe that Saddam had "strong ties" to al Qaeda (see
And now ABC wants to broadcast a partisan retelling of 9/11 which will worsen the situation. A film about 9/11 should unite us, not divide us. The story should be told in a non-partisan way. ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution ~ The Wiki of the Revolution
absurd thought -
God of the Universe
wanted 9/11...
ou're such a hypocrate. You loved Michael Moores movie which was promoted as a documentary, which it was not. He was honored at kerrys acceptance as the dems nominee and even had the honor of sitting next to Carter.
American's are already badly informed about 9/11 in ways that favor the Bush administration. is all such a crack of bs.
So that is what the media would forever produce and want us to believe. I commend these producers who research and get the truth out. And I don't even think it has to do with them making money as their bottom line. They want the truth to be heard. The Clinton's and The Bush's are all the same, politically out for themselves and out for the money. And the media is used to produce their own agenda's and policy's. And they all think the American Public is blind and stupid.
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